About me

My name is Ulla E Ramstedt and I live in Sweden. I’m 54 years old, have a daughter who is 29 and a grandson who is 2. I have always been creative. I’ve worked as an Art Director and Creative Director for over 25 years and I loved it. I worked really hard, had a hard time to say no, I wanted everybody to love me. These are some of the reasons why I ”hit the wall” or ”burned the candle in both ends”.

Right now I am working in an elderly home and at the same time studying to being an assistant nurse. I love to help others and I hope that I can help some people with my course too. I don’t have deadlines at work any more, I just do the work and then I will go home. I don’t need to work overtime as I always did before, the work never ended.

I have been burned out two times, first 2010 and second time 2015. Today I am really glad that it happened again. Because I really changed my life with a lot of different keys and it is these keys I want to share with you. I didn’t start with all 17 keys and I have never used all of them at the same time. I choose the ones that fits my life right now. But some of them I have used since I started.

It’s been hard, but really interesting to do this course. I’ts in English, because then I can reach so many more people who need this help.

I also have two small companies on the side of my job. 2008 I invented an extendable nail polish brush called X-brush, that I sell on my web-page and on Amazon in the US. And I do jewelry from old cutlery that I sell on another web-page. I love that both things are good for the environment. If you have an X-brush, you don’t have to throw away a lot of old nail polish (we throw away approx. 25% today) and all my jewelry are 100% recycled. I also love taking photos of flowers and droplets with my macro that I have on my phone.

This is me
Me at work